Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
▼ src | |
clear_comments.c | Clear all commented lines (started with the character '#') and black lines included in a user specified ISLEC database file |
copyright.c | Output copyright information of the ISLEC or ISLRE program |
gem_ipopt.c | Perform Gibbs energy minimization of the whole thermodynamic system using the open source IPOPT optimization library function IpoptSolve() |
gsl_reg.c | Perform parameter regression combining single point Gibbs energy minimization and the GNU Scientific Library function gsl_multifit_fdfsolver () |
islec.c | Main function of the ISLEC program |
islec.h | Header file of the ISLEC program |
islre.c | Main function of the ISLRE program |
islre.h | Header file of the ISLRE program |
load_db.c | Load (after cleared all commented and black lines) database file into memory object components and phases |
load_exp.c | Load experimental data from a file for parameter regression; the loaded data include water activity (expaw), pH (expph) and solubility (expsol) |
print_results.c | Output the chemical and environmental infromation of the system and the species information in the thermodynamic equilibrium state generated from the Gibbs energy minimization procedure |
psc_model.c | Implementation of activity (a) and activity coefficient (r) equations of a revised Pitzer-Simonson-Clegg (PSC) ion interaction model for describing the non-ideality of aqueous solution phase |
rkg_model.c | Implementation of activity (a) equation of the Redlich-Kister-Guggenheim (RKG) sub-regular solution model for describing the non-ideality of solid solution phase |
sim_process.c | Simulate the commonly involved brine chemical process (i.e. single point equilibrium, evaporating, freezing, heating, mixing) |
test_load.c | Test the correctness of the loaded database content by printing them |
test_models.c | Test the correctness of the activity equations of PSC and RKG models |
usage.c | Output ISLEC and ISLRE usage information |
version.c | Output ISLEC and ISLRE version information |