Consulting Services (目前我们提供如下服务)
- Phase diagrams of your interested components and temperatures. (我们可以为您提供您感兴趣的相图)
- Crystallization path of your interested salt lake brine and temperatures during evaporation isothermally. (我们可以为您提供您关心的盐湖卤水在特定温度下等温蒸发过程的结晶顺序,节点组成及流程物料平衡数据)
- Crystallization path of your interested salt lake brine during freezing. (我们可以为您提供您关心的盐湖卤水在冷冻过程的结晶顺序,节点组成及流程物料平衡数据)
- Comprehensive manufacture process of your interested salt lake brine according to your flowsheet. (我们可以根据您提供的概念流程实现您关心的盐湖卤水在任意加工条件下的结晶顺序,节点组成及流程物料平衡数据)
- Trace element (Li, Rb, B, Br, et al.) partitioning and enrichment behaviors during the manufacture of salt lake brine.(我们可以为您提供盐湖卤水加工过程中微量元素,如锂、铷、硼、溴等,在卤水和成盐矿物中的分配和富集数据)
- Modeling your interested aqueous-salt system with public data or your proprietary data. (我们可以根据您的需要,利用公开基础数据或您的私有数据,为您的卤水建立专门的模拟系统)
If our modeling service may support your plant or applications, please contact to for details. (如果我们的水溶液体系热力学模拟工作可能用于您的工厂设计或相关应用,请您随时与我们联系,以获得更为详细的信息。联系人: 李东东 博士,电子邮箱:; 电话 +86 13007766878 微信同号)